Unity Game Development & Game Design
Create Sacred Geometry
Sacred Geometry quickly inspired the architecture and interface design for the 3D Maker Toolkit's offering. The concepts and tools that underpin Sacred Geometric principals have been known to influence the design of every mosque, church, synagogue, temple, and monastery. It is also said that Sacred Geometric principals provide the design for the universe from the sub-atomic to galactic.
Create the Flower of Life
The Flower of Life represents the cycle of creation. It is composed of multiple evenly-spaced, overlapping circles, that are arranged so that they form a flower-like pattern with a sixfold symmetry like a hexagon. Learn how we use the Grid Maker to easily create this pattern.
Create Metatrons Cube
Metatron's Cube symbolizes the underlying geometric patterns found throughout our universe. Named after Archangel Metatron, who watches over the flow of energy in creation and provides a connection to the divine. See how we use the Configurable Radial Maker to make complex and compelling shapes.