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The Sacred Geometry Kaleidoscope

The Sacred Geometry Kaleidoscope makes kaleidoscopes and other shapes. It does this by giving you the ability to manipulate shapes in symmetric and circular patterns. The tool provides the user with the ability to manipulate the individual shapes' color, size, and other attributes with amazing results.

Check out the video example here:

If you want to give it a try Go Here If you see a screen without buttons, click the screen to enter edit mode. You should see a bottom row of buttons: Element Controller, Add/Delete Row, and Thicker/Thinner

Row Controller

The Row Controller, (the one in the middle with the small buttons) gives you access to the following parameters:

  • Shape: A choice of shapes that include squares, triangles, lines, etc.

  • Quantity: The number of elements in each circle of elements

  • Width: The width of the shape

  • Height: The height of the shape

  • Rotation: The Rotation of the shape

  • Radius: The Radius or the distance the elements are from the center

  • Orbit: The Rotation of the circle of shapes

  • Color: The Color of the shapes

Add/Delete Row

  • Add: Copies last row

  • Delete: Deletes the last row


  • Thicker: Makes the lines thicker

  • Thinner: Makes the lines thinner

Zoom Scroll Wheel: Zooms the camera


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